Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Piece-of-Cake Pincushion Giveaway!

My store, BessieMary, is celebrating its fourth year in business!
So, I am also celebrating here with a little giveaway!
Who doesn't like birthday cake?

Leave a comment telling me your favorite flavor of cake!
You might win this cute little felt piece-of-cake pincushion!
If you are a Follower of my blog, your name will be entered an additional time.

Included with the pincushion, will be three spools of DMC 50 thread - my very favorite!
There will also be an assortment of needles, as well as a package of glass head pins.

Remember, just let me know your favorite flavor of cake!
Comments will be accepted until midnight, April 30.
Winner will be announced Monday, May 3.
Good luck!

I also invite you to visit my store, Bessiemary, for a special Birthday Sale!


Teela Falgoust said...

Happy 4th Birthday Bessie Mary! Jan, wishing you many years of continued success.

Now for my favorite cake, well actually I have two, bananna and coconut.

Teela Falgoust

Rachel said...

Oh, Jan! Happy Birthday! I really should be sending you a gift. You have helped me so very much and held my hand so many times over the years....each order has arrived quickly and wrapped up like a little present.
Just last night, I got out my favorite cake recipe.....Tres Leches! After all, Cinco de Mayo is next week.

Judy in MO said...

Happy Birthday to Bessie Mary. I'm sure there will be many many more.

I guess my favorite cake would be Carrot cake with cheese cake a second best.

Judy in MO

Babies and Bags said...

Happy Birthday Bessie Mary!!! My favorite flavor of cake...well...chocolate...and fresh strawberry!!! Yummmmm

Joan said...

How come you are gifting us, after all you have already done for those of us who sew and smock? Happy Birthday, BessieMary, and many, many thanks, Jan!

My favorite cake? Anything with lemon and coconut, such as a white cake with lemon butter filling and lemon frosting with coconut covering the frosting! Keep the lemon butter tart, and yum!!!!!

Love you, Joan

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to bessiemary!!! I agree with the others, I have never dealt with anyone who is more helpful and kind, than you Jan!!!I appreciate everything you have done for me!!!
My favorite cake is my mother's homemade Coconut Cake!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jan! Of course my favorite cake is Chocolate...with Chocolate icing! :)

Sharon said...

My favorite is chocolate with whipped cream icing. Yum!

I'm heading over to the sale!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Bessie Mary! All your hard work and kindness shows. I still remember our fun day in Birmingham when I sat by you in class with J.A.

Favorite cake is homemade chocolate with chocolate icing.. yum, and of course vanilla ice cream on top!

Enjoy your blog and inspiration.

Penny in AL.

Holly said...

Chocolate, of course! Happy Birthday. :)

antcan said...

Happy Birthday!! My favorite cake is German Chocolate made from scratch.

Ellie Inspired said...

Happy Anniversary Jan! I wish you many more years. I dearly love your store and your blog.

And for cake...chocolate! Is there any other?? :)

Lynn P said...

I love your blog and your store--wish I lived closer to see all the pretty things in person! Congratulations on your anniversary. My favourite cake is the one my mom used to make for my birthday--a silver white cake with lemon filling and seven minute frosting.

Colleen said...

Happy Birthday to BessieMary and congratulations to you, Jan! Four years of gracing us with the finest of fabrics and laces, and your superb creative touch! Thanks for all you have poured into the endeavor!
My favorite cake is yellow cake (from the box!) with homemade Hershey's chocolate icing! Best when made by someone else, like MOM! Not fancy, just delicious!
Colleen R.

Debbie B said...

I love my mom's coconut cake or the chocolate sheet cake my husband's grandmother used to make. I still make it now and then.

Nicole said...

Congrats on the birthday! I love coconut cake and carrot cake...I just can't pick one!

dicienan said...

What a lovely blog, and lovely stitches. My fav has to be 7 minute frosting with fresh strawberries sliced atop. Spring! May I wish you continued success.

Cynthia Gilbreth said...

Happy Birthday! Many, many happy returns!
My favorite cake: chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!

Clare Tea said...

Wohoo! Go BessieMary go! We'll be cheering you on... happy anniversary.

My favorite cake? Blueberry mouse, with real blueberries and a shortcake crust at the bottom.

le.paradis.found at gmail dot com

Gemma's mimi said...

Happy birthday to my favorite fabric store! Love your style and new blog.
My favorite cake is rich, dark chocolate filled with chocolate mousse and topped with ganache. Makes me hungry just thinking about it.

Kathleen said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday cake is french vanilla with whipped frosting.

Katie In La.

Michelle N. said...

Happy Birthday!!!

I like pineapple cake with cool whip frosting! Cool and yummy!!!


Morgane @ Bear,Dolly and Moi said...

Happy birthday!
I hope pie counts! It would be strawberries pie with cream. You can remove the girl from France but you cannot remove the cream!
In your store you carry a very nice collection of fabric, very tempting!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday BessieMary! Congratulations Jan. Thank you for all of your wonderful treats you have sent over the years and your fantastic help and friendship. May there be many more birthday celebrations!

Favorite cake ~ no question... homemade chocolate zucchini cake with a non dairy version of cream cheese icing... yummy!

Meg R

Anonymous said...

C A K E ?????
did someone say C A K E ??????

ahhh, the smell of sweet is what gets me everytime. I love a good cake with a thick, childsize spreading of icing! and it has to be pink icing!

vanilla, chocolate, as long as it has a delectable shell of icing, and maybe even some really pretty pink florettes on it....I'm in!

My teeth hurt just thinking of it! but I am so in!

ciao bella
creative carmelina

Anonymous said...

oh ya, I'm a follower....
and I love cake....

did someone say C A K E ??????


FloridaBird said...

Ahh...good old fashioned wedding cake with a ton of buttercream frosting with a zillion roses! Mmmmm.


Lynne said...

Happy Birthday Jan!! My favorite flavor of birthday cake is Carrot Cake without raisins and extra pecans and Italian Icing. My grandmother used to make this all the time. YUMMY!! I hope BessieMary has many more enjoyable birthdays!! Lynne

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

So sweet please enter me and I'm a follower too. My favorite cake is coconut. I use Marthas recipe and it's great.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Jeannie B. said...

Chocolate! I have this yummy recipe for Chocolate Pound Cake that my friends all love! It has a chocolate liquer in it.

CAN NOT believe it has been FOUR years!!! Wow!! Best of wishes to you!!

db said...

My favorite cake flavor....I didn't know cake came in any other flavor besides chocolate :-)

My favorite cake ...was my daughter's 5th birthday cake. She was in a green phase - yup, you guessed it - green cake with green icing! And I mean GREEN!!

Happy birthday and thanks for all the lovely things you have sent me with my orders.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on four years Jan! My favorite cake is chocolate! I am so happy to have another beautiful blog to follow!

Mary T said...

Happy Birthday and congratulations. I'm thankful to have found you! You've been so kind and so inspiring.
What a great celebration! My favorite cake . . . one with candles!

Love your blog, too!

Eileen said...

Jan, you are too sweet! Happy birthday to BessieMary! My favorite cake is angel food with fudge frosting. Hmmm... Now that I said it I want some!

Elisabeth Rose said...

My favorite cake is the white almond pound wedding cake with buttercream at my local French bakery. It was what we had at our wedding and always order for birthdays, Christenings, and any other excuse we can find!!
I am a follower and would like to enter your giveaway. Thank you!

Cassie said...

Congratulations, Jan! My favorite cake is sponge cake or angel food cake--don't think I could choose one over the other.

pfarmwife said...

Happy Birthday to BessieMary! I love your shop & blog. My favorite cake is coconut (www.goodprovidentially.blogspot.com). I am a follower!


Kathy V said...

Happy Birthday to BessieMary!! Jan, you are a blessing to the heirloom sewing world, and a bigger blessing to those of us who call you friend!
As for the cake, you know I've never met a slice I didn't like.
However, thanks to my mother's wonderful recipe, I learned at a young age to love Carrot cake!

Judy said...

Happy Birthday Bessie Mary. You have helped me out so much and are a great friend as well as sewing my sewing inspiration. I always like to hear from you. My fav. cake would be pound cake with strawberries...nothing like it! Thanks again for all your time and effort keeping us all in stitches.

Sara Barnett said...

Happy Birthday, Bessie Mary! May you have many more years:)

My favorite is chocolate! A texas sheet cake is always great-- breakfast, lunch, dinner!


GeorgetteKennedy said...

Happy Birthday to you! And many, many more amazing years! My all time favorite cake is angel food with a tangy lemon frosting. It was my birthday cake every year from around the age of 2 until 18. Makes me smile (and hungry) just thinking about it.
Again, Congratulations Jan :)


Kathy Ruess said...

Happy Birthday to Bessie Mary!

My favorite cake is truly pineapple upside down cake....

Pat said...

Love your blog and store.

I guess I would have to say that my grandmother's chocolate cake would be my favorite. I wish she were here to make one for me.

MamaEuny said...

Happy Birthday Jan! May you have many more years of success!
My favorite cake is Key Lime!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jan, and congratulations on your years of success. I wish you all the best in the future. Favorite cake flavor? I think I would have to go with plain ordinary devils' food! It's good plain or all dressed up with fudge icing....the more chocolate the better :-)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite cake flavor is RED VELVET! Just thinking about it makes me want to go bake one right now (giggles). My waist line just won't let me.

Unknown said...

Oh, and I'm a follower!

Robin Hart said...

I could have sworn I posted this yesterday... but my favorite cake is one I did not have to make. Second to that it is Tres Leche with peaches and strawberries in the layers. YUMMY. Happy Birthday to Bessie Mary, I am so glad you are around!

Kathleen said...

Happy Anniversary!

My favorite cake is RASPBERRY!



Secret Burkheiser said...

My favorite cake is chocolate doberge. Yum!

Secret Burkheiser said...

I am a follower:)

Bridget said...

Happy Birthday Bessie Mary. Here's to many more years!! I like my cake plain...good ole pound cake!!


Chickie said...

Happy Birthday, BessieMary! May you enjoy many, many more!

Let's see...favorite cake... I'm going to have to say Italian Creme Cake....and I'm a follower, too!

Lois said...

Happy Birthday to your store, Jan! It seems just like yesterday and not four years ago that your dream came true!

My favorite cake isn't very original...but give me a good chocolate cake with yummy chocolate icing any day!

Rettabug said...

what a wonderfully creative way to celebrate being in business for 4 years, Jan! Congratulations!! May you have many, many more successful years ahead.

I have a wickedly sinful recipe for homemade carrot cake with cream cheese icing that will bring tears to your eyes...and #'s to your hips! Decadent & Delicious & sooooo worth it. Wish you lived closer so I could share some with you in celebration!


p.s. I've been a follower since the day I discovered you had a blog but have followed you on Delphi's HS&S for years. :-) You just didn't know I was lurking. LOL

Sharon D said...

Happy birthday and thanks for making beautiful things just an e-mail or phone call away.
My favorite cake is a deep, rich, moist chocolate.

Sharon D

chelle said...

Congrats! I love just plain white birthday cake with butter cream icing. I know sounds kind of funny coming from a grown woman but I have and I think will always love it!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Happy 4th year to you and may you have many many more.

I love Red Velvet cake with cream cheese frosting.

Blessings to you and yours.

Kristen said...

Congratulations on your fourth year!

You can never get enough of pink or cheesecake with chocolate, raspberries, blueberries or whatever your favorite is. I love all the variations!

Although, a vanilla sheet cake with an inch of icing can also be my downfall!

marybee said...

Happy Birthday BessieMary! I love seeing your beautiful creations almost as much as reading your beautiful words. Thanks for your sweet spirit!

and as for cake... it's all about the icing, baby!! as long as there is lots of chocolate icing i'm happy!

Martha said...

What?? You do this when I am out of the country??? No fair! My favorite cake? One that is cut up and on my plate.
Of course I am a follower.

Be home soon. Happy Birthday BessieMary!!

ShirleyC said...

I just found your blog, and I'm so glad.
I also became a follower, and my favorite cake is Italina Creme.

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