It's been one week since I headed off to Louisiana and the Old Fashioned Baby Sewing and Spiritual Retreat. I must still be on vacation mode. Not much has been accomplished since my return!
My project is still in pieces: a sweet yoke embellished with yummy Swiss embroidery, French lace and tucks, and a skirt embellished with more tucks and Swiss edging. The end result will be a darling little slip dress with delicate embroidery above the skirt's tucks.
It will be finished someday soon, I promise!
The retreat was three blissful days of fun, friends, fellowship and stitching!
Jeannie and Belinda did a fantastic job of spoiling each and every one of us. These are just a few of the special favors and mementos.
There was also time for Bible study, a renewal and strengthening of faith and spirit.
It could not come at a more appropriate time for me.
It was one year ago today that I underwent the first of three eye surgeries.
I try very hard to put this all behind and forge ahead. I do not want to dwell on the past.
However, it has been on my mind so much as this anniversary approached.
I want to forget the anger, fear and pain.
I want to open my eyes each morning and not be afraid.
I am not sure that will ever happen.
There is so much goodness I want to always remember.
I never want to forget how I was held in the strong and loving arms of a great God.
I never want to forget how so many of you reached out to me and my family, surrounded us with your prayers, and carried us when we stumbled in our faith and hope.
I still miss my contact lenses!
I still hate to wear glasses.
I am so thankful for the vision I have.
I am becoming used to dark dancing blobs, and don't try to chase as many imaginary creatures darting across the floor, or swat as many fantasy flies.
Artificial tears have become my constant companion, as has smudged mascara!
All in all, I am blessed.
Each of you are part of that blessing.
The following verse became one of my favorites this past year. It was also one read this past weekend.
Maybe so, or maybe not.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
~Matthew 6:34~

Jan...God himself led me to your blog today. I've been feeling sorry for myself because, well, I've just been incredibly unfocused for over a year now. I've been feeling sorry for myself which I'm totally ashamed to admit.
So today I'm going to regather myself for being so into-myself of late. What on earth to I have to complain about? What? What? What????
Ears that hear?
A mouth that speaks?
A mind that thinks?
Hands that work?
Legs that walk?
And eyes that see?
Tonight I will lay myself out before the Father and ask for forgiveness. I need a good dose of blessed humility, the medicine gratefulness and the good ol' syrup of praise...
Bless you friend...and thank you. Prayers ALWAYS going up in your behalf.
Love, Rebecca
It is so good to hear that the retreat was a wonderful time for you and friends!
I know how those anniversaries can haunt us. I've had to tell myself to "think forward" in the plan God has for my life. It is difficult at times to accept we will not always have what we once did. But I am still so blessed with what God has provided.
I am not sure that we ever get past the fear and pain of traumatic loss - whether it is eyes, a person, or a relationship. We can, however, always depend upon a loving God to walk us through and sometimes carry us through the depths of our fear and pain. You are in my prayers and I thank God for your friendship and inspiration. Peace, blessings and hugs.
There aren't many more words that I can say, but know that you remain in my prayers both for continued health and thanksgiving for blessings gained. Hugs my friend. It was great to get away with you. We need to do it again. Sooner, rather than later!
It is good to hear that you had a great time and that your eyes are trying to behave a bit more:) Prayers will continue for continued health. I am oh so on the same page about the potential for eye changes and I know where you are coming from.
Sounds like your trip sewing and fellowshipping with friends was just what the doctor ordered! God's timing is perfect and He makes no mistakes!
Dear Jan,
I like to think that anniversaries give us the opportunity to know how much we have progressed, improved, and otherwise grown. I don't look at them as haunting, but then my troubles pale in comparison to yours. At least you can see well enough to embroider a lovely baby gown! I can't wait to see it finished.
Jan, I am so happy for you to have had such a wonderful retreat experience of fellowship,coupled with lots of fun, and lovely sewing too. What could be more refreshing?
It really touched my heart this morning to read your words. Yesterday I was feeling really low, and kept scolding myself but just have had a difficult time pulling out of these dark days sometimes. Three years ago I went on a medical issues, which have diminished my phyiscal abilties and changed my life significantly.
What I have learned through all of this, is that, no matter the struggles we face in this life, God always holds us through it all. When friends say, "I don't know how you bear it all", I tell them, that when I feel my weakest, I know that He is stronger still, and I know that it is in His loving arms, that I will find peace, comfort and love.
Matthew 6:34 is one of my favorite scriptures, because it is definitely so true.
God Bless You Always, Jan.
You have been such an inspiration to me, and I cannot imagine a day without your wonderful blessings, thoughts, and counsel. As I look in my mirror each morning and see changes occuring, I remind myself that this is the natural course of living a full life. You have given all of your faithful readers a Godly example of strength and courage in facing the unnatural consequences of a difficult disease. No matter what we each face in our future lives, may we rejoice in the knowledge and comfort that God abundantly supplies for every need. Thank you for being a beautiful example of a devout Christian woman. Darby ox
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