God hath not promised
Skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways
All our lives through;
God hath not promised
Sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow,
Peace without pain.
But God hath promised
Strength for the day,
Rest for the labor,
Light for the way,
Grace for the trials,
Help from above,
Unfailing sympathy,
Undying love.
~Annie Johnson Flint~
To those who have suffered recent loss in storms and other ways,
my thoughts and prayers remain with you.
May the love of God, family and friends strengthen and lift you.

Beautiful post my friend. Prayers going up for His people. Today I find comfort in knowing that He never allows what His children can't bear.
Love to you~
Such a gorgeous photo to go along with such a thoughtful post, Jan. You have a wonderful way of expressing what all of us are thinking & feeling. *sigh*
I wish there were more that I could do to help besides sending money.
As a nurse, I worked with the local relief efforts when Hurricane Charley hit south FL when we were living there. I'll NEVER forget the devastation & heartache! So sad.
My prayers go out to all those affected by these awful tornadoes.
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