Monday, November 19, 2012

To My Customers . . .

The website of BessieMary is now closed.
Thank you for your loyal patronage during the past seven years.
Each of you has touched and blessed my life.
While you may no longer be a customer, you will always be a friend.
I wish the very best to each of you.
May you continue to be inspired and enchanted by the many wonders of the world.
May stitching and creating heirlooms always bring you, and those who receive it, great joy.
May you always be blessed with just enough, but not so much, that you become complacent and blind to the needs of others.
May you appreciate quiet times, but never know loneliness.
May there always be the hand of a loved one and the smile of a friend ...
just as so many of you have been there for me.
May the grace of God be with you always.
Now, I may have more time to visit here at my blog, or to sew what I want, when I want . . .
as long as the wonky eyes cooperate!
I also wish each of you a very blessed Thanksgiving.
May you be surrounded by those you love, either in person or spirit.
From the bottom of my heart,


  1. Jan,
    I'm so sorry to hear that you will be closing down your website. However, I do understand that it can serve as a distraction. Thank you for the beautiful poem.
    Bless you.

  2. Lovely words Jan! I wish the very same to you.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


Thank you sharing your thoughts! I am truly tickled to receive and read each comment, but am not always able to respond here to everyone. If you need to contact me directly, feel free to email bessiemaryblog at gmail dot com.
Enjoy your time here and visit often!