Monday, February 6, 2012

Football and Smocking

The sports world is buzzing with commentary on last night's Super Bowl.
The smocking world is celebrating the joy of seeing Eli's daughter dressed in a smocked bishop, complete with red Mary Janes and hairbow!


  1. I saw that and jumped for joy! Don't know the score tho! HAHHAHAHAH


  2. Love it! I spot smocked dresses out and about all the time and just have to stop the mom and chat! I wonder who smocked this one and if she knows her handiwork is now riding the wave of the internet! Bravo!

  3. So very sweet. Thanks for sharing with us.

  4. Too precious! That is how I picture every little girl should look! I was very fortunate to be handed down some smocked dresses that hubby's grandmother had made many years ago, and my little girl wore these until she grew out of them, and I handed them to my sister-in-law for her little one. I love your work! Blessings x

  5. Yep! I LOVE it! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Abby and Eli are Ole Miss alums. You see many darling smocked children's clothes in The Grove before every football game, especially custom teams designs.
    We still dress our kids and grandkids traditionally here!

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